Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Area Nazi Really Starting To Get Offended By All The Trump Comparisons

ATHENS, OH -- Local Neo-Nazi George Sunners said in an interview this week that he is becoming increasingly frustrated with comparisons to Donald Trump. Sunners, a long-time member of the white supremacist group The National Alliance, stated that Trump's simplistic manner of speaking, combined with his many business failures and history of supporting liberal policies, is an affront to die-hard, well-organized, articulate Nazis everywhere. "Mr. Trump is a disorganized carnival barker and to compare one of his bloated ramblings to the extraordinary prose of the Führer is really upsetting and, quite honestly, in very poor taste."

While Sunners says he does support Mr. Trump's repeated pro-white dog-whistle statements, tweets, and— really— entire campaign, he still has grave doubts about the sincerity of Trump’s coded promises. Sunners is not alone, as evidenced in murmurs shared during a White Supremacist BBQ this past weekend. “Sure, his candidacy has leaned into fringe alt-right support like nothing we’ve ever seen, but can we really trust a businessman from New York City? That place is like… Jew Central,” said another National Alliance member. Sunners shares the concerns of his fellow white countrymen who fear that Trump’s posturing is just that— a ruse developed to win him the GOP primary but will be abandoned should he win the White House. “I just don’t believe in the strength of his Pro-White, Anti-Semitic convictions. I don’t know if he has any convictions, to be honest. That’s what so upsetting about the whole thing.” 

Regardless of his personal distaste for Mr. Trump, Sunners says he will join many other Neo-Nazis who are willing to hold their nose and vote for Trump in the general election. “He’s far from perfect and I do wish people would stop comparing him to far superior White Supremacist Nationalists in American politics, but he’s still the best hope we’ve got,” determined Sunners. “Unless, of course,” he added. “David Duke sees how powerful our message can be and decides to make a run this year. That’s somebody I would really be proud to cast a vote for.”